Jaydattsinh Champavat

About me

I am an undergrad student at Silver Oak College of Engineering and Technology pursuing Computer Engineering. I have been developing performant Web applications and Web based Solutions with industry forefront tools and frameworks for +2 years.

I specialize in functional programming paradigms and data structures. On this website, I'll post details about my projects and share some of interesting things I come across.

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Core Technologies

  • JavaScript (ES6), TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB, SQL
  • WebSockets, WebRTC, socket.io
  • Java
  • Python

Libraries and frameworks

  • Express
  • Mongoose, MySQL
  • VueJS, ReactJS
  • Redux, GraphQL
  • Gatsby, Next.js
  • React Native

Tools and workflow

  • Git
  • Docker
  • ESLint
  • Lodash
  • Webpack/parcel

More about me

I have deep affection for classical music especially from Baroque and late romantic era. Eric Satie, Chopin and Beethoven are some of my favourite composers. Also, I love playing and watching competitive video games.